For Sale By The Artist
Copyright Reserved By The Artist
Graphite Drawing On Stonehenge Paper
8 x 10
This is the eighth drawing in a series of 10. Today on Facebook a friend of mine asked me what inspired this drawing. Another friend of mine suggested that it was a fetish of mine. The Bound series of drawings for me are far removed from BDSM and the fetish culture. I was drawn to a group of photographs by an amazing photographer. Yes, they were erotic and fetish in nature but that is not what spoke to me. The way the rope wrapped the body like a secure blanket. The pattern of the rope as well. The way the rope defined and was defined by the planes of the figure. I just found the whole thing beautiful. This made me then consider why would I find this beautiful and others find it offensive in a way. People shun what they don't understand. People sometimes don't allow themselves to see the beauty in the strange or the socially unacceptable. I hope people can see pass the fetish side of my drawings and embrace the beauty of the nude.
$250.00 + $20.00 S&H
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